Thursday, January 31, 2008

dr mukesh aku sayang kamu

aku takut tdo...

sbb aku takut aku tak bangun...

kesian dr mukesh..
tunggu aku kat klas..

ape nak jadi

ape nak jadi dengan aku...

hisap rokok hari hari..
satu keje pon tak jadi...
kalau cantik takpe laa lagi..
ni aku tunjuk perut mau sume org lari..
tu aku tak tunjuk peha aku lagi..

kelas da laa slalu tak pegi...
lecturer tanye aku sengih tunjuk gigi..
thesis aku haprak pon tak jadi..
mule laa pikir nak tarik diri..
ape nak jadi..

pukul 6 tak tdo lagi..
org malam aku pagi..
slalu tdo tyme tengahari...
cheehhh berangan nak jadi menteri...
apelaaa nak jadi..

aku tatau nape hari ni...
siap buat pantun pantun lagi...
lpas bace ni..
kalau tak sedar sedar lagi...
tatau laaa ape nak jadi...

Saturday, March 10, 2007

baru blaja tulis blog

1- lemak at my bum(susah nak cari seluar)
2-my malas attitude
3-tatau nak tulis blog...!@#%$%^$%

sedikit benci...
3-my brother's attitude
5-bile takde duit

1-my machine(laptop) sugar..
4-how people can capture beautiful moments
5-nice movies
6-nice books

kadang2 rase macam kosong...tatau ape yg takde...ntahhhhhhhhh.....

kenapa aku tatau nak tulis blog...dalam otak bnyak mende nak tulis...tapi bile taip...slalu blank...macam buat assignment...mule2 bnyak mende nak tulis...tapi...a las...sikit je yg dapat tulis... maybe im born to cakap instead of tulis... can this be trained? wish to tulis like other bloggers...wish to swear my brother like belladonna did(believe me bro is bad as well)
but i cant...i just caaaannntttt..... there any cure...who can give me prescriptions to my this allergies...virus..or epidemic disease...arggghhh!!!!kene jangkitan...hahaha...aku merapu...
(tv yg busan..umah sewa takde astro ...kat tv ade mentor je...blerrgghhh#@%$&@!$)

dont spill me wif artist gossips...sangat blur...
but i wish to berlakon teater... allllaaaaa.....

i suke org yg independence...kadang2 serabut ngan org tak reti jage diri sendiri...tapi the problem is...when it comes to partner often thinks im superior than them... n kadang2 d-take 4 granted.. huhuhu...
i love books..tapi susah nak dapat buku yg memuaskan hati...i love tuesday wif morrie.. n 48laws of power... i love movies too...tapi ade je critics..hehehe..
can help to b talkative...tapi kadang2 prefer senyap... tapi ramai org tend to anggap me garang or sombong if tak knal aku ni tak slalu senyum...but i do love to smile...ntah....

smalam tgk ade yg kurang... cam tak feel sgt...i dont feel the shiver that i suppose to feel... but i really like the queen..n yg gelak mase arrow jatuh giler...n the way king die...

sgt suke jazzz n coffeeee....n ciggieee...perfect combo...tend to smoke like chimney especially mase tgh bace buku....